Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Anyone Know What This Is?

I have these crazy little bumps/rash thing on my dominate right hand (mostly on my middle finger, index finger and thumb). They seem to be deep below the surface of the skin. Some, like the one pictured on my index finger (last picture), started off as about the size of a pinprick and is now the size of an O in Arial 11pt font. I have this cluster of purple and dark red pinprick size dots deep beneath the skin on the underside of my middle finger (first and last picture). I have a similar cluster on the topside of my middle finger near the base of the nail (second picture) except the entire area seems to have taken on a dark red/purplish color and has swelled up. I just had one show up today that looks a lot like a blister (third picture) but it isn't filled with air or liquid like a blister..not to mention my fingers haven't experience any trauma that would cause such a blister.

I started seeing this stuff appear at the beginning of December and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. It is very sensitive to the touch-it's hard to write or use a scissors because any pressure is quite painful. It's a stinging, painful sensation, similar to the pain of a sliver and blister combined. I couldn't find any splinters (I used a steriled needle and tweasers) and I wasn't able to release any air or pus or anything so I don't think they are blisters. I also tried some wart removal treatments but they didn't work either.

If anybody can recognize this, I would really appreciate your thoughts. Thanks much!


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Anonymous said...

hi I also have this same condition on both hand i went to the doctor yesterday and they don't know what they are they gave me some simacort cream it is stopping the itching but lumps still there.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I have a condition similar to yours. I've had this going on for several years now. Goes away in the summer comes back as soon as the whether turns cold. It feels like i have tiny slivers in these little bumps that are trying to work their way out. So its difficult to do some tasks cause it feels like my skin is going to tear or come off. Also in my case these little bumps don't itch. Been to the Dermatologist told me it was Atypical dermatitis and gave me a steroid cream. It helps somewhat but it didn't go completely away. When i type (like now) it feels like some of my fingertips have sm piece of glass or something stuck in em. If you find anything please post.

Anonymous said...

Hello! I too have this very same problem!! I have searched all thru the internet trying to figure out what on earth it is. Mine started after I quickly stopped taking a perscription drug, and they have gotten progressively worse over the past few weeks. My doctor thought that it was a withdrawal symptom - however, this should be past now.....My little bumps/blisters do not itch - they burn and feel like slivers and/or glass shards stuck in my skin. I have them mostly on my right hand, on my fingers, tops of fingers and covering the top of my thumb. I used the tweezers on mine thinking they were slivers too - These are painful, and embarrassing! What is this!!?????

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,

I have the same condition; I also only get it in my right hand and in cold weather! There's a condition called Raynaud’s which means your hands go purply with orange spots in cold weather due to poor circulation; I have a mild form of this and I think that’s where I get the lumps from. I think it's made worse in cold weather as I only tend to get it in the winter months, and also when I am writing lots as my right hand is elevated for longer periods of time.

I went to the doctors/hospital with it when I was younger, but there was no magic solution, just the recommendation not to smoke at all or drink too much. I don't smoke at all but still get the lumps 

I've learnt to just grin and bear it over the years, and hope for the summer months!

The bumps do itch and they look very similar to yours so I think it sounds pretty much the same. The only thing that I have found that helps slightly is topical creams that heat the surface of the skin like deep heat.

Rosie said...


Did you ever find out the cause of your condition. I looked at your picture and my hands look exactly the same as yours did. The doctor tried to tell meI have hand, foot and mouth disease, but after researching it on the internet, I clearly don't.

Please help!


Anonymous said...

I hate to sound repetitive....but...me, too. I just got out of the shower and my skin around my nails had all bubbled, turned white and then pealed, not necessarily in that order! IT HURTS!!

Please reply should you find an appropriate treatment. Thanks.

Diana B.

Anonymous said...

Could they be chilblains?

Occurs due to poor circulation combined with cold weather.
Vitamin K in the diet is supposed to help prevent it - leafy greens: spinach, broccoli, etc.

Anonymous said...

So, did anyone figure it out? I have been having these same little painful bumps on my two hands for a few months. Mine coincided with my daughter getting hand foot and mouth. She's better and I still got these little suckers which pop up in greater quanities after stressful events. I live in Florida so the cold weather does not factor in. Curious to know whether anyone has come up with a diagnosis.

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,

My daughter has a very similar condition on her hands and her feet. It begins when the weather gets cold and over the years it has gradually got worse. Her bumps gradually get so bad that her joints are swollen and discoloured and are painful when she knocks them or presses them.

We have been given all types of diagnosis from eczema to chilblains and now Raynauds Syndrome. Nothing quite fits and none of the treatments have worked. It does seem to be a circulatory problem and is definitely worse when she gets cold.

She is seeing another specialist soon so if we find anything out I will let you know.

Anonymous said...

May be Dyshidrosis....I get them occassionally as well (mine are only sore, not pruritic). Sorry, but don't think there's a definitive answer on the cause.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever find out anything more conclusive? I have the same thing on the fingers of both of my hands (worse onthe right,though). First started when I moved north at 18. my OBGYN thought Raynauds, but seemed to come and go over the years, now I have the worst case I have ever had and would like to know how to get some relief....

Anonymous said...

Hi, any answers? I really do have the same thing as you. Mine are singular, not in bunches, but other than that they look exactly like yours and feel exactly like you describe. They are mainly on my right hand but I have had a few on the left and as far down as my forearm. Every few days I get new ones and they last for a week or so. None of the suggestions so far match what this is so I guess I'm going to see a dermatologist. I keep hoping they'll just stop appearing but I guess that's not going to happen.

Anonymous said...

i have had these frequently for about 14 years, they come and go! i have given up, and i think my dr has trying to work out wat they are...it always gets put down to stress. i have never found any kind of cream to be helpful! when its too hot, it gets blamed on the heat, when its too cold, it gets blamed on the cold!regardless of the weather, i get them. when i was younger it only used to be on my fingers but as iv aged, they have progressed to my palms! i'm at a loss too!

Anonymous said...

I have these as well. They have recently appeared again, so this time I decided to do some research to try and figure out what they are. They look very deep under my skin and feel like they are caloused over. Mine hurt only when pressed on. I can press on them with my finger and they aren't that painful, but if I press on them with my fingernail, that does cause more pain. I get them in the same place on my left index finger on the outside. They last a few weeks and then the skin on top of them gets dried out and begs for me to peel it off. It usually comes off in thick pieces, but the skin underneath isn't sensitive.

Anyone who has any ideas, please help!!! My doctor was clueless and gave me a steroid cream which did nothing. I feel like anything topical won't help at all because they feel so deep.

Anonymous said...

Hi - Phew! I'm not the only one who gets these "mystery bumps". Mine are just as you described and as shown in the pictures. I had a breakout on Thanksgiving that went away in a couple of weeks, and then another one just recently. This time the bumps are on my right pinky, ring, and middle fingers. I haven't tried anything topical other than Bach Rescue Cream. It only helps the dryness, not the pain. Whenever I make an appointment for the doctor, the bumps go away. Go figure!

Anonymous said...

I have the exact same condition as laura, this is the 2nd time i got it and i went to the dermatollogist recently to find out what it was. PLEASE let me know if u got help for this, thi isn't something i've ever gotten before,which is why i'm so worried.

Anonymous said...

I went to the dermatologist a few years back because I had the same problem. He prescribed me some medication and said it was due to the cold weather..I cannot remember the name of it though, but currently I am having the same problem..I do believe they are called chilblains. That is if you notice that your hands and feet are typically ice cold as mine are..Anyway, Hope this helps someone. Google chilblains for more info.

Anonymous said...

Its driving me nuts. It hurts a lot. I think we should name it. That way it might get some respect by the Dr.s and maybe a researcher or two. I suggest one of the following:

PRB Painful Red Bumps
PRFB Painful Red Finger Bumps
PFB Painful Finger Bumps

My Dr. called it "finger swirls" but nobody else does. There is nothing on the Mayo Clinic site at all on it.
Let's have a vote for the name, then spread it around online.

Laura Moore said...

Wow everybody! Thanks to all of you for all your input! Even if you don't know what the heck is going on either, it's nice to hear from you! It's a good feeling not to feel alone in the world! I had no idea i'd get such a huge response. It's like, inspiring. I feel like I should write a book with all of our stories. Ok, so i'm getting a little ahead of myself here...

I'm sorry I haven't been around for a while, I've been pretty busy this past year, and to be honest with you, I kinda forgot I had this blog! I didn't mean to abandon it, I just got distracted with other things and forgot it was here. I was on Yahoo Answers looking at my old questions, and I had posted a question on there about this topic and posted a link to this blog. I clicked on the link, and here I am, back where I was a year ago.

And guess what, those pesky little red bumps are back! Mysteriously, they went away all on their own around March of last year, and now they're back, and as annoying as ever!

At the time I thought I had some kind of sensitivity to something i'd touched or a product i'd used. For a while I refused to count the till at work because I thought I was allergic to coins-in fact, someone on Yahoo Answers said they thought that too, at one point. I stopped using all scented lotions and tried to stay away from overly drying, chemical filled soaps. Nothing I did really seemed to make that much of a difference. Finally I got fed up, and decided to go to the doctor. Then just as mysteriously as it arrived, it just all went away. I cancelled the appointment to avoid looking like a fool. I hear you, Jenna in Oregon! That just figures, huh?

But now, February 2009, a year later, they're back. Now i'm really suspicious of the cold. I didn't once have it reappear until it got really cold out again-we're talking sub-zero temps. Something I may have forgotten to mention before, I have bad circulation. Anonymous, from Feb. 16, thank you. I too suffer from "ice cold" hands and feet. In fact, it's pretty normal for them to take on a purplish color. Especially in the winter. Hmm. Anonymous from July 28th, and Anonymous from Feb. 16 both suggested Chilblains. Thank you. I took your advice and googled it.

This is the best explanation i've found so far.

However, either it's a relatively new concept or not much consideration is given to it (or both), because I've only been able to find limited amount of information on chilblains. Without a lot of different sources to cross reference, it's impossible to be certain that this is what I, and many of you, may have. However, it does seem to be the best fit so far. At least for me. Anyone is welcome to disagree, and I encourage your comments.

On Mayo Clinic's website article, http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/chilblains/DS01091
The first sentence makes perfect sense to me: "Chilblains is a painful inflammation of small blood vessels in your skin responding to sudden warming from cold temperatures." Well first of all, I live in Minnesota, and it's presently about 4 degrees outside, and we do a lot of running in and out of warm buildings around here. So that makes sense. (But then again, part of me wonders why doesn't EVERYBODY have it?) A further explanation is listed under "causes" for Chilblains on the Mayo website:
"This cooling and rapid heating can cause small blood vessels under your skin to expand more quickly than nearby larger blood vessels can handle, resulting in a "bottleneck" effect and the blood leaking into nearby tissues.Exactly why this occurs in certain people is unknown."

Well I guess that answers my question about why everybody doesn't have it. They don't know. Splendid.

www.medicinenet.com refers to Chilblains as a "cold weather related injury":
"Chilblains is a common type of cold weather-related injury that can develop several hours after exposure to extreme cold. Chilblains are itchy, painful, reddish, or purplish areas of swelling that usually affect the fingers, toes, nose or ears; though other areas of the body may also be involved. In some individuals, blisters or small open sores may also form. Chilblains usually last for several days, and the affected area usually heals after several weeks. Though the affected area may remain sensitive to the cold in the future, there is usually no permanent damage. It is not uncommon for a recurrence of chilblains in susceptible individuals."

Ok, then. So what makes one a "susceptible individual"? I'm guessing poor circulation? Maybe? Anybody?

I haven't been able to find many photos of Chilblains, but the ones I have found seem like a fairly reasonable match to what I have. But everybody is different, and not every symptom appears exactly the same way on each affected person. So it's hard to know for sure.

Anonymous from Sept 29, you live in Florida. This presents a problem for my Chilblains theory. Maybe you have the opposite problem? You go from a super air conditioned building to the very hot outside air? Hmm. Ok, so maybe that's a bit of a stretch. From my recollection, Florida really isn't that hot anyway. Not like, steaming hot. Warm, but not hot hot.
Anonymous from Jan 5, 2009 really blew a big hole in my Chilblains theory. It sounds like the weather's got nothing to do with it in your case. And for someone who's had it for 14 years, it's hard to ignore that testimony.

Oh boy. Well, hmm...let's consider some other theories here...

Atypical dermatitis (Feb 11, 2008)
Raynaud’s (Mar 20, 2008)
Dyshidrosis (Dec 9, 2008)
Stress (Jan 5, 2009)
Finger Swirls (Feb 22, 2009)
PRB Painful Red Bumps (Feb 22, 2009)
PRFB Painful Red Finger Bumps (Feb 22, 2009)
PFB Painful Finger Bumps (Feb 22, 2009)

I vote PRB! Case solved. Done and done.
Haha. Just kidding. Yes, anonymous from Feb 22, 2009, I think we should call it something. Make a big stink about it. It obviously deserves more attention, more research, definitely. Sometimes I think doctors try really hard to squeeze something into a category that it might not entirely fit in, for the sake of categorizing it. I still like the idea of Chilblains, but it worries me that people living in milder climates have a very similar condition; and that some get it throughout the year.

Pictures and information i've found of the other conditions mentioned seem to present symptoms of a slightly different nature. Pictures i've seen of Dyshidrosis, and Raynaud’s seem to be telling a different story than what's happening on my own hand. Atypical dermatitis seems pretty vague, like it could represent just about any obscure skin problem.

Right now i'm leaning towards Chilblains, although I could be completely wrong. I just think it's the best fit for me so far. I'm going to try to make an appointment with a friend of my parents' who apparently is a big shot on the American Academy of Dermatology. Hopefully it won't be gone again by the time I get to see him.

I'll keep you posted. I hope everybody else does the same!

Anonymous said...

There's also something called pompholyx, which is a kind of eczema. Since both hot and cold weather can exacerbate the condition, it might explain the people who have something similar but live in different climates. I think that this is what I have, but every time I schedule an appointment, the bumps disappear, so I cancel. The bumps are small and painful, and I can feel them under the skin, though I can't always see them. Sometimes they're red, sometimes white, and sometimes flesh-colored. They're painful to the touch, but it's not like I can just stop using my hands. Glad to know I'm not alone.

Anonymous said...

Okay, me too! I just went to the doctor this morning and was told "Weird. Interesting!" She is doing blood work. I will say that I got a really bad case last August and was given a steroid pack (oral) to take. That knocked it out within two days. I have had mild cases between then and now and just toughed it out but got a full blown case yesterday, so I went back. She gave me a prescription cream this time as she doesn't want me to take the steroid pack unless I have to. But if this doesn't help me sleep tonight, she WILL give me that steroid pack. Not recommending it for long-term solution, but if you just can't stand it, that did help me immediately.

Anonymous said...

Must be a MN thing! I too have these little annoying bumps, just started in Feb 09. Can't wait for warmer weather to see if they go away!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that I am not alone or that I am not crazy! That being said, I have the same symptoms however the weather is perfect here today! It started two weeks before Christmas which is a high stress time due to three birthdays between the 11th and 26th. But the other times that these PRB have appeared have not been during high stress times or weather changes. I have them again now and began to do some research before I see my doc, when I found this blog. However it is spring now and beautiful outside, 69 degrees and sunny. Mine have been mostly on my fingertips, but seem to be spreading to palms of my hands this time. They last for two weeks or so nd finally go away on their own. I am with ya sister! We definately need to name this bugger!!!

Anonymous said...

How crazy, I've been getting them off and on for about a year now, I live in florida and mine look EXACTLY like yours, even the same fingers in the same spots, my doctor said probably a food alergy or fragrance, who knows, I do know that I clean houses and I am constantly putting my hands in cold water or warm water, and it was cold this year got down to 28 a few times, cold for florida, Also the weather here is unbareable in the summer, the humidity is so bad you can barely breath 95 degrees with 100% humidity, so I am always going in and out of air condtitioning. I also have poor circulation. I am just so relieved to know im not alone or my hands are going to fall off! lol

Jess said...
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Jess said...
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Jess said...


I have the same thing. I get small red bumps on my hands (fingers only). They are normally on the joint or knuckle...or outer part of my thumb. It feels like glass or a blister. It's normally one, but sometimes I get two right next to each other, especially on my knuckles (center of my fingers). Sometimes they itch, but when you go to itch it, it hurts - if that makes sense. I have noticed that covering them with a band-aid helps them heal more quickly, and they always end the same - in a few days, they will form a circular skin patch that you can peal that was the same size as the original bump. I used to get one every once in awhile, and the dermatologist said it was a form of dermatitis or psoriasis, but they are more frequent and numerous now. They are not only annoying, but ugly. It looks like your fingers are covered with blisters. I have also noticed that I will literally get them overnight. I will go to bed, and when I wake up, I have them.

xo; Jess

Jess said...

I found a website - the man seems to share the same problems we have. He recommends Kiehl’s Creme de Corps. Here is the site:


amoore656 said...

what the heck is this? i have it, too. i have a small patch of 3 or 4 on the back of my hand below my ring finger. i have bigger, very painful one (that has a purplish/reddish center to it because i picked at it) on the side of my hand and one forming on the side of my middle finger. all on the same hand. it's has to be stress-related somehow because i'm also having a bit of an acne break-out with a painful patch on my chin, cheek and forehead. same symptoms as everbody else - burning/tingling if the area is bumped but no itching. here's a weird thing though - today somebody cut me off on the highway and you know how you get that fight or flight adrenaline rush when something scares you? well, it made the patch on the back of my hand hurt like hell, like it shot right to the nerve endings there. has anybody else experienced this?

Anonymous said...


I get the SAME THING!!
I got some Manuka Honey and put it (neat) on my bumps and it makes them dry up faster so they don't hurt so much...

They dried up in DAYS where before, it would take WEEKS.

= )

Carrie Anne. said...

add me to the list, i have the same problem. have seen a few doctors and no one ever knows what it is. i have four of these bumps on my right hand now. this has been going on for years (on and off). i'm going to try some of the suggestions here and hope they work. i'm just so glad it's not just me!

Matt said...

Ok, I just looked this up tonight as my Girlfriend just had a bunch of bumps on her right hand and 1 real painful one on her wrist, same type of look, does not itch, feels like slivers or glass shards with a burning sensation of a blister, and we are in MN. she started noticing them about noon Sept 19th 2009 and it is now 12 hours later there has been a few more arised, did they arise this fast for any of you and has cotact caused anyone else to get them?

If they are not gone in 36 hours (or less depending on the pain) we will be going to the doctor. I will be searching for other possibilities throughout the night and will respond if I find anything.

Unknown said...

Hi. i have these horrid painful little purple pinprick sized bumps, as many of you have descibed. I have had them on and off for years. most recently i have had them for a month.i have them on the three middle fingers of each hand, never on my thumbs have had a couple on my palms in the past. I live in the UK,but this out break started when i was on holiday in France and it was quite hot. I have seen a couple of doctors no one has any clue what they are?

KathrynS said...

I know i am just saying exactly the same thing as everyone else but I am so happy to finally see that I am not alone. I kept thinking my body was trying to give me some strange warts but then they never managed to properly surface! I completely agree with the idea of it being affected by the cold, the first time I ever noticed it was a year ago when I was trying to chip ice out of our freezer so we could fit the xmas turkey in. thought I had just some allergic reaction. They went away but keep coming back and now it has just turned cold they are back with avengance and quite soar. So pleased to be able to talk about this, because it is a difficult sensation to describe to other people!

Anonymous said...

I too have these bumps and they have popped up every fall/winter for the past four years. They disappear in the summer (I live in VA). Like others, I also have poor circulation in my hands. I am at my wits end right now because my right hand is so swollen and in so much pain. It really does help to know though that I'm not alone! Thanks to everyone for your posts and I'm going to keep checking back here to find out if anyone has any conclusive information. I will also be sure to post information if I ever get any helpful info from a doctor. In the meantime, I'm going to try to protect my hands from the cold every time I go outside and explore some remedies posted here.

Anonymous said...

I just posted the above comment and neglected to mention that both the cold and emotional stress can cause blood vessels to constrict (vasoconstriction) in the fingers/hands. Other triggers as mentioned previously are cigarette smoking and also caffeine. My most recent flare-up came after going on an hour-long walk outside in the cold without gloves and drinking a lot of coffee that day. That evening my hands swelled up and the sore, deep, callused-looking bumps began appearing... mostly on the side of my pointer finger, a couple on the sides of my ring finger and pinky... but never on my thumbs.

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem. Pretty sure mine isn't related to cold - I live in Sacramento and it doesn't get very cold here. Plus, this started several months ago before it got even remotely cold here. This issue started for me only recently, after I started law school and my stress levels shot through the roof. I always assumed it was some sort of stress-related symptom, but I've not been able to find anything during my research that confirms this. I wish there was some real information available about this condition because these things HURT. I consider myself to have a pretty high pain tolerance, but these blister things are incredibly painful.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, when its bad, my fingers really hurt too. I find hydrocortisone cream helps. While its not fixing the problem, and its not a natural medicine, it gives me a little relief when I need it.

Anonymous said...

I live in Dallas, where it has been colder than usual this year, and I always have cold hands and feet. My hands look exactly like the pics, same fingers etc. no itching sore to touch and bumps harden under the skin. Dermatologist cut a new blister out (biopsy)and it came back as "Probable Pernio" aka Chilblains. My vote is PRFB Painful Red Finger Blisters. (RX Clobex spray, Cortizone Cream but really no relief yet.)

Jennifer B said...

Hello, my name is Jennifer and I have prb. Last year I had about 100 or more on both of my hands at one time. That's when I really noticed it because I couldn't even do my job (typing). They finally went away, right now I have four with more that have come and gone within the last week. If we work together, maybe someone can come up with a diagnosis to help us all. I do have them on my fingers mostly but do get them on the palms and a few on the bottom of my feet and toes.

Anonymous said...

I just started getting them on my toes after four years of just getting them on my fingers. It has finally been diagnosed as chilblains (or pernio).

Unknown said...

sigh...sign me up too. was on here searching for painful finger pinpricks and found this. Mine looks more like your 1st picture...started maybe in November 09? They come and go, not in patches-just a single bump on fingers only that hurt like little slivers. After a few days it dries up and flakes away and I'm left with a little pink dot as a souvenier.
They're just mainly annoying when they're in a spot that gets touched more often as they hurt. Off to google "chilblains" like mentioned here...

Anonymous said...

I have experienced this same thing for a few years now; usually in Jan and Feb (colder months). Have been to a few doctors and had blood tests that showed nothing wrong. At times, the bumps almost felt like a cold sore, so I tried Abreva. It seems to help with the pain a little, but by no means gets rid of it. Certainly wish there was an easy solution to this condition.

Nastasha natacha-cubana@hotmail.co said...

I dont want to scare you but this is a form of Hsv ......It appliease to the skin in ur hands it is a mild verion and will be painful to touch. I have seen this many times and you cannot diagnose this in a mild stage because like i said to say its hsv is serious...so u need to wait till one day these bumps erupt from the skin and u need to get it tested................I do know what im talking about and i staudy these forms of lacerations. Shown In one image is a healing wound of a bump which is what lead be to believe this is hsv 1.

Abby said...

Saw Laura's pictures and they are identical to what mine look like. I have been to many different doctors, had several biopsies done and still no conclusive diagnosis (same as many of you, I get the cold hands and feet, even numb fingers at times). At first I thought maybe it coincided with the weather--opposite of many of you, mine were more plentiful in the summer, but then got them in the "winter" too (I live in Houston). Not quite sure if this will be helpful to anyone, but I did start a gluten free diet for other reasons and it has actually helped ease the problem somewhat. By no means is it gone, but breakouts aren't as big or as frequent. Here is a website to check out http://www.csaceliacs.org/dh_symptoms.php
Still interested to hear what others find out!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Im so glad I found this.... I was thinking I had something terrible or worse yet contagious. Ur pictures and discription is the same as me. I live in Michigan and work outside at a horse barn. And it makes sence that it could be chilbains. My hands are cold all day then I go home into heat. Im so glad Im not alone!!!

Rich said...

I'm glad I found this blog. I actually don't have the bumps, but my wife does. She's had them for a few weeks now. She is under a considerable amount of stress and drinks coffee and tea on a daily basis. I advised her to try and stop drinking caffeine for a week to see if that helps. She already had hydrocortizone, and her doctor (of course, Kaiser) didn't have anything enlightening to offer other than to say that they should clear up in a week; which of course they haven't.

Anonymous said...

I researched HSV 1 and this is not HSV1, I am pointing towards Dyshidrotic Dermatitis, it looks like the photo, but the symptoms says it itches. Some of yours may itch but mine don't, they hurt.


Either way, I don't see how washing in mild soaps and putting any creams on them will help, but they are driving me crazy!!!

Anonymous said...

I too have this. i am a pharmacist and work with money and keyboards. My dermatologist diagnosed me with dyshidrotic eczema last month. I used diprolene cream rx. I lalso covered with bandaids as someone mentioned...I had blood work at the time and ANA was elevated. The bandaids and cream worked heavenly! But its back and moving to other fingers. He is doing blood work that involes freezing my blood..serum cryoglobulus. Is anyone taking medication? could this be a side effect of medicine?
My fingers feel like pieces of glass when I touch things keyboard, pens..Look just like picture posted! I appreciate this posted board. feeling crazy and concerned with being misdiagnosed with LUPUS etc. I feel better. i too cold weather related. Your posts make sense thanxs

Anonymous said...

I think I am allergic to Nickel and my MacBook keyboard is making me sick.

Anonymous said...

lexapro withdrawal?

Anonymous said...

Hello. I cannot tell you how happy I was to find this blog, my hands look exactly like Laura's pictures. Went to a Dr. and he said it was "Molluscum Contagiosum" which I am now 100% convinced is WRONG! As I type this my figures on my right hand ( where the bumps are) are very cold, but my left hand is warm, and there are no bumps. This is a strange disease. I am an avid runner, but stopped in Nov due to injury and noticed the bumps in Dec. I am going to start running again and see if they improve due to increased circulation. I will let you know how that turns out.

Janice said...

I've had this for several years as well. At first it was in only cold weather. Then, it started to happen in warmer weather. I believe it's any change in temperature, stress etc. As with one of the other commentors, I had blood work at one time (at the beginning, about 5 years ago) My blood was perfect except for high ANA. The doctor scared the crap out of me telling me I had Lupus. I went to a Rheumatologist who said I did not have Lupus and that an ANA should've never been run as I didn't have the symptoms to warrent it and it is not a difinitive test for anything and very misleading as the majority of adults have this. It has to correlate with many other symptoms. He said the bumps don't even fit Lupus. Mine seem improved lately and abreva does seem to help. My doctor friend says it's weird but we're all different and don't stress over it so I'm trying not to.

Anonymous said...

Hi...have had exactly the same for years....beginning in late fall and ending (Soon I hope) in Spring. I also Have Raynodes like symptoms where my fingers will go while and numb when exposed to cold (especially cold water). I have been tracking when they come and go and DEFINATELY see a relationship with my period...always about one week before. Not sure if that has ANYTHING to do with it but interesting to note. I believe it is a mild form of Perniosis Chilblains. what ever it is...Laura it's nice to have the blog and to know we are all out there trying to figure this out. Will check on this periodically so if someone finds a cure please post!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for starting this blog Laura and to everyone that posted, thank you. I am a massage therapist and when I noticed these painful bumps on my hands I went directly to the dermatologist, for fear of having some kind of transferable disease. I was told by the dermatologist that my hands were hemoraging. He said that he sees this problem mostly in babies and weight lifters. Which did make some sense to me because I use my hands so much for work. However, even when I took time off, my hands continued to occasionally have problems. I am nearly convinced now that these painful bumps, that are sometimes not even there, just a pain under the skin... I'm convinced that this is related, for me, to gluten. When I stay away from gluten, they go away. When I eat gluten, they come back with avengence. Good luck to all.

Jacquie said...

Hi, I also have this condition, the first bump appeared last week on the inside of my middle finger by my middle knuckle, the second a couple of days later just above the middle knuckle of my ring finger, the third a couple of days later on the ball/base of my thumb on my palm and the fourth started coming up today just below my pointer and midde finger on my palm. I tried picking at the first three with a needle, thinking I had a splinter under the skin, this of course made them worse. Now with the fourth one coming up today, I started to google and am very thankful to have found this sight. Mine too are small red dots about the size of a pin head, with the area around them reddening as they get to their 'peak'. They are a little itchy but mainly sore if you put pressure on them with your finger, and when you press harder with finger nail, it feels like there is a little splinter (sliver as you call it in the States)under the skin. It is winter here in Victoria Australia with a very cold chill factor to the wind, I have been drinking 3-4 cups of coffee a day and have been a little stressed as of late - I notice these all seem to be factors that repeat through everyones different scenarios. I too have not so much bad circulation, but have always had cold hands as does my sister, hereditary from my mother, who has suffered in the past from chill blains on her toes during the winter months. I feel strongly that these are somehow related to chill blains if not them directly as we all know they can appear on hands as well. I suffered from chill blains on my toes when I lived in Holland, winter toes they call it over there. Now I know this is going to gross people out but an ancient cure for chill blains, used for thousands of years in the colder parts of the world, is to wee into a container and soak your toes in it for a few minutes, followed of course by a shower or bath, I did this when living in Holland and it worked!! I am going to try dabbing a little on my hand and see how it works, and of course give it a thorough wash afterwards! I do not agree with the fanatic antics of urinology, but the principal of it is similar to immunization, where you are treating the body topically or orally (yuck) with the 'poison/liquid waste' that is filtered through the body and out of the bladder as urine. I too have also found that a little topical cream with a bandaid (plaster as you call it in the States)seems to ease the pain. I do think the idea of manuka honey is very good, as the propolis that is the healing property in manuka honey, god knows why they remove it in the first place, is the natural antibiotic of the bee hive, keeping them free from disease, magical stuff. Thanks to all for you information, it has helped me a lot, I hope I haven't grossed too many people out and hope that someone finds my input beneficial. Jacquie

Jacquie said...

Hi, I also have this condition, the first bump appeared last week on the inside of my middle finger by my middle knuckle, the second a couple of days later just above the middle knuckle of my ring finger, the third a couple of days later on the ball/base of my thumb on my palm and the fourth started coming up today just below my pointer and midde finger on my palm. I tried picking at the first three with a needle, thinking I had a splinter under the skin, this of course made them worse. Now with the fourth one coming up today, I started to google and am very thankful to have found this sight. Mine too are small red dots about the size of a pin head, with the area around them reddening as they get to their 'peak'. They are a little itchy but mainly sore if you put pressure on them with your finger, and when you press harder with finger nail, it feels like there is a little splinter (sliver as you call it in the States)under the skin. It is winter here in Victoria Australia with a very cold chill factor to the wind, I have been drinking 3-4 cups of coffee a day and have been a little stressed as of late - I notice these all seem to be factors that repeat through everyones different scenarios. I too have not so much bad circulation, but have always had cold hands as does my sister, hereditary from my mother, who has suffered in the past from chill blains on her toes during the winter months. I feel strongly that these are somehow related to chill blains if not them directly as we all know they can appear on hands as well. I suffered from chill blains on my toes when I lived in Holland, winter toes they call it over there. Now I know this is going to gross people out but an ancient cure for chill blains, used for thousands of years in the colder parts of the world, is to wee into a container and soak your toes in it for a few minutes, followed of course by a shower or bath, I did this when living in Holland and it worked!! I am going to try dabbing a little on my hand and see how it works, and of course give it a thorough wash afterwards! I do not agree with the fanatic antics of urinology, but the principal of it is similar to immunization, where you are treating the body topically or orally (yuck) with the 'poison/liquid waste' that is filtered through the body and out of the bladder as urine. I too have also found that a little topical cream with a bandaid (plaster as you call it in the States)seems to ease the pain. I do think the idea of manuka honey is very good, as the propolis that is the healing property in manuka honey, god knows why they remove it in the first place, is the natural antibiotic of the bee hive, keeping them free from disease, magical stuff. Thanks to all for you information, it has helped me a lot, I hope I haven't grossed too many people out and hope that someone finds my input beneficial. Jacquie

Anonymous said...

Hi guys...I got these things all through childhood, haven't had them in 20 years. Then this weekend I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic Bactrim and ended up in the ER. I was given steroids and woke up with a full-blown case of these painful bumps on my fingers.

I'm going to try the Manuka honey. Also, to the woman who posted about using urine...it might sound gross, but it can work miracles! I had a horribly pernicious case of athlete's foot in college when I was on the rowing team; the only thing that ultimately worked was a good soaking in some weewee. (Mine, of course!) ;)

So glad to read these comments; sorry you're all going through the same thing, but nice to know it's not as unusual as I had thought!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up on the list! The first time I had these were this summer. My whole family had some type of strep-like virus (though not strep!) and me and my daughter both had these on our hands and feet. Now they are back (for me) along with other problems I am having including recurring yeast infections and bladder infections (though maybe something just causing like symptons for the bladder) but definitely yeast. Not sure if there is a relation. I'm thinking not but I was worried it was some kind of fungus.

I have cold hands and feet all the time too. In my first pregnancy I had to go to a dermatologist for different kind of skin rash that turned out to be circulatory. She gave me something topical. Got the rash again with the second pregnancy. Maybe I am prone to circulatory skin problems?

Anyway, so first time with these sliver like bumps was this summer in conjunction with a virus, now back as we head into winter but I am in Houston. It was cold for a while but today it is shorts weather. The weather fluctuates like crazy here from Nov-April. I bet I have had these things at least 3 weeks right now and the skin around feels like my fingertips need to just peel off. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

Well, until about March of 2010, I was getting dark red/purplish bumps similar to what you describe on my fingers every few weeks or so throughout the year. Not very itchy, but always with a shooting "nerve-like" pain that suggested they may be caused by some form of herpes virus. I learned that each time they appeared I could drive them away by rubbing full-strength tea tree oil into the spot with a Q-tip (in fact, this was the ONLY way I could get them to go away). Alas, more would inevitably appear within one to four weeks.

After observing the pattern for almost 6 years, I finally began to suspect some contributing factors. I noticed that any time I handled a damp dish towel or something potentially mildewed or bacteria ridden, the bumps would erupt within hours of contact. I also noticed that they appeared most frequently around the edge of my finger where my dental floss digs in when I'm holding it.

I finally got so sick of dealing with the hideousness of these things that I adopted an extremely "hygienic" routine. I bought vinyl gloves and began using them for handling EVERYTHING moist, damp or otherwise potentially mildewy, moldy, or bacteria-laden. I even use fresh ones to line my sturdy dish gloves each time I do dishes or household scrubbing, so that my hands are not exposed to cumulative sweat and microbes from the day(s) before. Anytime I accidentally touch something I shouldn't (like a still damp washcloth from the previous day's use), I immediately wash my hands with tea tree oil and a mild glycerine soup. I also use the vinyl or disposable cotton gloves when flossing to keep the string from cutting into my skin. In addition, I completely avoid harsh soaps and detergents on my hands, as these can compromise the integrity of the skin, as well.

I have been doing this religiously for an entire year. Before I started I had about 20 spots on each hand. The spots disappeared completely within a week of starting my regimen and I have not relapsed ONCE. Sure, I look like a total OCD head-case, now, ;) but that's far preferable than looking like a leper and not being willing to touch anyone for fear they'll get grossed out at the thought of "catching" whatever it is I have. I never did get a definitive diagnosis, but at least I seem to have found my cure.

I hope that sheds some light on other people's dilemmas.

samantha gardner said...

I started getting what I believe are planters warts which look like the slivers on your fingers. It will feel like something is in there but there is not. It spreads very easily if skin is broken. I have also had a purple index finger on my left hand around my nail. I have taken two strong antibiotics and the er doctor gave me 5 shots of lidocain to numb up my finger he sliced it open in two places hoping to see a splinter or puss. Nothing he was baffled so he wanted to treat me for staph and mrsa. I finished the meds and guess what it briefly went away and now has returned. ????? So if I find out anything else I will post. If anyone has heard of my ordeal than please enail me rosepetalsare41@yahoo.com

Anonymous said...

Hi. Im right there with all of you, except that I live in GA which is not well known for their cold winters or blazing hot summers, so I have come up with a theroy and was needing some of your input. I recently have developed an outbreak of this and after reading all of your comments I was wondering if any of you have taken stong antibiotics before the outbreak occured? I wonder if it is not some form of yeast from the antibiotics? I recently just came off antibiotics for my wisdom teeth, and so its just speculation but maybe the two coinside. But then again the stress theroy could also be tru bc I have been under quite a bit of stress so there ya have it. All I know is that they are extremely embarrassing and extremely annoying and painful. If anyone figures it out please post, and how many of you recently were taking antibiotics before an outbreak?

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am a celiac (can not eat any form of gluten), and I find that I get the bumps if I eat oats.

Anonymous said...

Ok, well, add another person to this long list of painful hand bump suffer-ers. This is just simply annoying. The first time I noticed the small bumps (started off about the size of this --> . ) I was about fifteen years old. Didn't think anything of it because they would go away. They have come and gone over the years and I thought it was associated with sweating because I exercise every day and often go to the sauna. But this past weekend, I had an OUTBREAK. Major league. So they started off pretty small and have just grown and spread. They are now the size of blisters, are pink, very very slightly raised and painful to the touch. Never itchy. They feel like deep splinters. I mostly have them on the sides of my index and middle fingers (more on my right hand), and also on knuckles. Recently though, which they have never done before, I have started getting them on the undersides of my fingers close to where the finger joint meets the palm. I went to the dermatologist after this outbreak and she said that she actually has it herself. She said that she doesn't know what it is, but has seen it only in young people. She gave me a steroid topical to try and if that does not work then we will do a biopsy to see exactly what it is. She said that it only shows up on the hands and does not seem to be contagious. I have been applying the cream for the past two days and if it is working, it is working very sllllowly. The bumps almost seem to be getting wider, but not higher, so I don't know if that means they are healing or not.

judy: jvasseur@earthlink.net said...

I get the Painful Red Bumps on the fingers of both hands, primarily near the joints. I also have a couple on my big toe. Not itchy but can be quite painful.

I have been getting flare ups of the bumps for years now. I will be 50 in a few weeks. My feeling is that it relates to stress and probably hormonal stress as in PMS and menopause.

I have gotten some mild flare up in the Winter. But the worse seems to happen in mid-summer. I think the heat makes it worse for me. It may have something to do with the body trying to deal with inflammation.

I've been to doctors that have no clue, even a dermatologist. Blood tests have been done and show nothing abnormal. The docs always think arthritis or allergy or bug bites. They are way off base. It is an intriguing mystery.

judy: jvasseur@earthlink.net said...

Just realized...I did indeed finish, a week or so ago, a 7-day antibiotic treatment for an infected root canal and am having an outbreak of red-bumps. Connection?

Anonymous said...

Hello fellow annoying prickly hand bump sufferers! I first noticed one on the underside of my right ring finger about a week ago (maybe less). I thought it was some sort of splinter or something so I picked at it. By the next day, if not sooner, there was another bump or two right next to the first one. I quit picking at it thinking that it must've made them spread and now I have close to fifteen on my right hand and I just noticed one on my left! Within a week?! This is awful. I'm an obsessive over-analyzer so you can imagine how much I've googled and fretted, which could possibly be contributing to the outbreak. On the chilblains topic, I've gotten it on my toes for the last 3 winters. My toes would swell up to almost twice their size and turn bright red/purple and then eventually peel. At one point I seriously thought my toes would need to be amputated! I remember at the time that a couple of the swollen toes got these same little bumps on them, but they went away and I never noticed them spreading like the ones on my hands. I've always had poor circulation and it seems like my hands and feet are either freezing cold or burning hot. I was living in OK when I had the chilblains and moved to San Diego 5 months ago. So... it's been about 75 degrees since I've been here. I've obviously ruled out Chilblains because what I've had on my toes and what I now have on my fingers were completely different. With the exception of the few small bumps that came and went on a couple poor swollen toesies. Sorry I'm rambling! Just frustrated and ready to figure out what this is and how to make it go away asap!

Oh and for the Chilblains sufferers: if it's super cold out, wear thick socks and shoes that your feet won't get wet in. Seriously wear socks ALL the time! I used to run around barefoot in the winter and apparently that had a lot to do with it. AND if you take hot showers or baths, warm your feet before you get in and dry your feet quickly and put socks on asap. Your Chilblains will go away within a week or so and if you do this throughout the winter, you won't get it again. :o)

Oh! and I've read where people said soaking your hands in vinegar can help dry out the hand bumps and to keep lotion on them. I've done the hand soaking thing twice now and the lotion thing for two days and the bumps are still spreading :o( So if anyone has ANY suggestions, Please Post!

Anonymous said...

I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba (Really cold in Winter, like -30 degrees Celcius) and I get these in winter too (and so does one of my kids), but lately I have been starting to get them in the summer and I think it's because the office I work in is so cold that I turn on a heater to work and then head out to the +35 degree Celcius weather outside for lunch. I might be causing these little bumps!

All I can say, is if they are the same as mine - don't try to pop them. There isn't anything there and you just injure yourself further, opening your skin up for an infection. If you leave them alone, they do tend to just disappear over a wekk or two.

Anonymous said...

Hello again! I posted on Aug 14th and since then my prickly bumps have spread into lots of bumps on my fingers and some in between. Kind of rash like and very itchy and hot feeling. It isn't so much prickly anymore so I did some more research and I've come to the conclusion that it is Pompholyx. I dismissed the idea at first because I saw some really creepy pictures that looked nothing like mine and my bumps didn't itch at all. So I guess that was just the beginning stage. Now that I know I"m not dying, I'd just like to figure out to get rid of them! Seriously irritating! I've read to wear gloves while doing dishes, bathing etc. and that all kinds of things can irritate it. I've read so many different things that I'm kind of overwhelmed with what to try! Side note: I recently got back on birth control, wondering if it could be hormone related? Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

OMG i have this too!!!! i hate it. Its on my left index finger. I thought it was warts for a while...and they burn & sting and one of the dark spots flare up and hurt worse and when it finally feels better another one would!! Ive had it forever and and as time goes on it only seems to be getting rlly dried up and still painful :( I dnt live in cold weather...Ive lived in Cali my whole life and now Hawaii...I dnt remember having it b4 i was pregnant...hmmm totaly mystery.Ive asked god to make it go away a few times...but he wont listen to me!! :(

Meems said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It looks like: POMPHOLYX

Anonymous said...

I have the exact same bumps as pictured. They hurt, and itch sometimes. They flare if I leave them alone. I let them get bigger, got them tested, and doctor told me it was indeed HSV antibodies

thickett by KELLY THICKETT said...

I also have this and it is NOT:
-Herpatic Whitlow (waay too severe, has white centre)
-dyshidrosis (not like this, no scaly anything)
-pompholyx (type of excema.. no)
-cheriopompholyx (seems close but still too severe).
Thank god for your pics. I thought I was dying. I will post when I find out what it is.

thickett by KELLY THICKETT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The first time I has these bumps was in the throes of summer. They finally went away after a trip to the beach and the healing power of salt water. Now they are back, so I may try mixing some salt water together and see if it works again. It's been a fairly mild fall in GA, so I don't think it's temperature related.

Anonymous said...

i found a way to get rid of them, my idea seems a bit nuts, but try it. i am currently using this method with much success, and it works with 1-3 treatments. and everything is over the counter. you will need

one box of good bandages
one tube of first aid antibiotic (bacitracin zinc)
and a roll of tape, medical or electrical.

first clean area with the bump/s (soap and water will work). put a good amount of the first aid ointment on the bump/s, cover with bandage, then warp it with a piece of tape (not to tight to cut off circulation) leave on for 6-7 hours and then remove, let it air dry, and let the color come back to your finger repeat as needed

also try to do hand stretches to keep the circulation going, and drink lots of water during all this, try not to drink little to no alcohol.

if this helps anyone let me know

Michelle said...

I have this too! I hate it, the sores are unsightly and my joints seem to hurt too. I have only gotten them this winter and last - I have lived in Oregon for the past 4 years and CT prior to that and never had them before. I looked over all the the comments but I do not see a diagnosis for anyone...? Washing them, using neosporin or something similar and covering them with a band aid seems to help... and prevent one from spreading to multiple fingers. It is awful! Anyone have any further answers?

Baker1000 said...

I have been getting these for the past three years now. It started out back at the start of 2010, when some of my fingers swelled up really bad on my right hand. I couldn't even bend them very well. I had these little spots too. It eventually went away after a couple of weeks, but came back not long after. It was identified as Chillblains.

The weather was cold so it made sense, and it never came back until the following winter. Only this time all I had where the spots, but no swelling, and mainly on my right hand. Now, at the start of 2012 I have the spots again. I had a few, and they went away but then more showed up right after, and I started getting them on other fingers too. It's still mostly on my right hand, on the side of my index finger. I also have a few on my other hand, but not as bad.

It happens whenever the weather is cold. I believe it could be linked to Chillblains in some way.

Jennifer McIntyre said...

This is so weird! I also have this! Comes in the winter months (in the past five years I've been in climates where there are both very cold winters and just moderate winters) and clears up near late spring. I also only have it on my right, dominant hand and it's near my finger tips, sides of my fingers and in areas above the 1st knuckle. I thought they were warts, but doc didn't know what they were. I wish there was an easy solution! They really hurt!

AmberH said...

Hello. I have the same thing on my hands. Just popped up this year for the first time in December. Went to the Dr and she referred my to a dermatologist. Did lots of blood work to rule out other cold weather induced syndromes. Blood work came back fine so they said it is Cold Weather induced Pernio. If you look if up it describes it exactly. I also get them on my toes. He told me based on the severity and how often I get it he could prescribe creams, pills and even injections. He also told me to keep my hands and feet dry and warm in the winter months. He said I may never see them again or may get them once a year right when the weather turns cold or more frequently. Well I just got them again! So twice this winter season.

Anonymous said...

My first doctor told me they were warts and burned them off. The second said they were hives due to a cold-weather allergy and told me to take allergy medicine. HOwever, after doing my own research, I believe they are from Chilblains (aka Pernio) which is due to cold weather. Chilblains also relates to Raynauds, which I occasionally suffer from in my fingers (and my fingers are where the bumps show up). I am currently using a synthetic corticosteroid on the bumps which seem to only help a little bit. As far as I can find, there is no other solution but to wear warm gloves and protect your hands from the cold. Perhaps I should move to a tropical island where it is always warm :)

Paul in Oregon said...

Laura, I also have suffered from this little bumps. I live on the Oregon coast and we don't get much sunshine through the winter, though it doesn't get very cold. I don't think chilblains explains this condition. Anyhow, awhile back I started taking large doses of D to counteract SAD, and not only have I not had a bout of RFB, but my psoriasis has cleared up as well. This leads me to think it may be an autoimmune condition. So, try 5,000 units of D a week for a few weeks and see if it doesn't help.

keeblerkidd said...

Wow! I am so sorry, but so amazed to find this many people with a similar problem that no one can solve for me. My troubles all started with exactly these bumps. I've had cold sore problems all my life. In 2004, I got the exact bumps you show in your pictures. They were so painful that I couldn't type. A biopsy was taken that was inconclusive and had the dermatologist scratching her head. They eventually pushed through the surface and peeled off. In 2010 I had cold sore, the blisters on my hand again, and this time the blisters all over my legs. It was debilitating for almost two weeks. Had blood work, saw another dermatologist. Nothing but steroid creme and rest. Just last week (2012) it went cold sore, hands, legs, torso, face! Nothing showing up in the blood work this time either. I also experienced very viral-like flu symptoms. The best temporary pain relief was an old fashioned baking soda bath. It has all cleared up a week later except for my hands which are still itchy and painful. It seems like shingles, but it isn't and no one can figure it out. The only things I can figure that tie the outbreaks together could be stress, PMS, and heat or sweating. I am being referred to an immunologist because of that herpes/pox tie in and I will let you know what comes of that.

Anonymous said...

I have also had these spots on my hands for years. I also get them on my feet & when it is very hot I get them on my knees, elbows & for the first time on holiday this year my face. Same as others NHS blood works came up inconclusive, however, I saw a private dermatologist who said the bloods, although really quite normal did show some abnormalities. He thinks it is some kind of vasculosis & I was given steroids to take on th appearance of th pots which worked in clearing thm up promptly. However, I have been referred back to the NHS, mainly because they discharged me saying I had eczema when it's clearly not that, I can't afford private steroids for the rest of my life so need an NHS solution. Waiting for an NHS biopy again now they can't fob me off with 'eczema', I will report back if I get anywhere.

Mine are most predominant in hot & cold conditions but I do get them at all times of year. I have awful circulation so I think there must b one kind of connection with this.

Unknown said...

Your description here precisely describes my condition. I'm 33 years old, I'm nowhere near the cold and these things started out of the blue or the first time in my life...

Unknown said...

What you all (and myself) have is a strong strand of the mutated Coxsackie (Entero) virus. Since I am not allowed to post links here, please do your due diligence through a Google search. Good luck.

hannah said...

I've had these same strange finger bumps that started about two years ago or so. At first i thought they were tiny burns. but when they returned i began to wondwr. Each time getting worse, but only on my left ring finger. Abouy seven months ago i gad to go to the ER fot the first time for it because i had pain in my left inside elbow and a red streak going from the same finger with the bumps, which had now become swollen. was given steriods and some topical cream, it eventually went away. Only to appear again around a month or so later, even worse. To shorten an even longer story i've been to three different dermotology appointments and an currently awaiting results of biopsy and am taking prednizone and an antibiotic to keep me from getting the red streak up my arm. And im feeling better but still anxiously awaiting my results...

Anonymous said...

I am a physician... I have the same red bumps from time to time when sick or stressed. They ARE NOT a mutated coxsackie virus. That is uneducated propaganda to try and scare people. Chilblains is a possibility, but I can tell you that there is very little in the medical literature about this condition. Steroid ointment makes mine melt away in a few days.

Anonymous said...

It's NEARLY CERTAINLY dyshidrotic eczema. I get bumps exactly like the pictures here & went to a dermatologist - he said he thought it was eczema. I use a topical steroid lotion that stops it from hurting as much.

If you Google Image dyshidrotic eczema, you'll notice a lot of pictures that look different - scaly and scabby and whatnot - but that's just severe/scratched at eczema.

lt said...

I got the same.. did u get ur solve? if so what do u used?

Anonymous said...

Hi! I came across this blog and I wanted to share what my doctors diagnosis was - dyshydrotic eczema - if you google it, the symptoms and description match exactly. I have the same bumps but mine sting when touched, like I am being poked with a hot needle. They look just like yours and are on my index fingers and thumbs. I was given some prednisone to take for 10 days and told to take Zyrtec daily. Hope this helps!

Unknown said...

I ended up here in a search for what was causing the annoying, painful bumps on my fingers that feel like slivers. After reading most of the comments, it sounds like the idea of temperature might resonate with me. Do any of you cook often, or work in any way with extremely hot and cold things? When people here mentioned temperature, it made me think of how all day, I'm grabbing frozen things out of the freezer, or handling hot things on my stove. I haven't seen a doctor or done my own internet research, but I figured I'd leave this bit of info here, just in case someone finds it useful.

Unknown said...

I have this same condition. Seems like most of us have it on the dominant hand which leads me to suspect it MIGHT be related to something bacterial (like the sponges) or extreme conditions (using that hand to touch things in the freezer). If anyone finds something that works- I'd love to hear the ideas!

Anonymous said...

I just started getting these about a month ago and also don't know what they are. I was using a 3 step nightly hand cream because my hands get dry and crack in cold weather and that's when they started. I stopped using it immediately and it's not as bad but I still get them only on my fingers. Mine do not itch and I don't touch or pick at them, but they do hurt. Mine also appear overnight and last about 3 days. Hopefully we will find out what it is...

Anonymous said...

The bumps seem to occur when I drink wine. Even though I've been drinking wine for years, this condition started about a year ago. Someone told me that I probably developed an allergy to the tannins in wine.

Anonymous said...

I have had this condition for a few years. I never really took much notice until the last few weeks where is becoming painful to type, use knifes, etc. I picked at it (like most people that have this, but nothing. It has gotten worse and the tips of my fingers and palms of my hands are very painful. When I was trying to look at what this was, I stretched my hand out and all the blood goes to the affected areas and looks like a purple/dark pink rash under my skin. It is all ALL around the outside of my palms and on the tips of every finger. Does anyone know what this is yet? I will try some of the remedies that have been mentioned on here. If I find something that works, I'll post it. It is getting really sore....

Anonymous said...

I have the same problem on the side of my "ring" finger. I saw a clip about it which said that it's a condition called dishydrosis. Of course, they say it's usually brought on by stress. Stress gets blamed for everything. See the clip below:


Amanda said...

Came across this interesting little blog while looking up info about these blisters on my finger. I have had these very same tiny blisters, like everyone else, popping up about every 3-6 months on my right ring finger. Thankfully it has not spread beyond this finger. My finger always itches in the spot before the tiny painful blisters appear. I have had this mysterious condition for about 5 years now. A cluster has poped on the tip of finger this week and i still have one on the side of finger where the new skin is still growing back from a few months ago. I have a doctor appt tomorrow and hope to get some answers but after reading all these posts im not sure if i will find them. I hope we can all find our answers about this condition one day.

Unknown said...

I don't know if what I have is the same as other commentors, but my dermatologist told me I had contact eczema. He said it was caused by sweat and friction (gripping the steering wheel in muggy weather, wearing sweaty gloves often, etc), and here's what he told me to do to relieve the symptoms:

1. Stop using liquid hand soap, and use bars (like Dove, etc) instead. He said all liquid hand soap is in liquid form because they use the same thing that is used in rug cleaners, and it's very harsh.

2. Use Gloves in a Bottle hand cream each morning, and reapply at lunch (I'm a mom with 2 young kids so I'm constantly washing my hands).

3. As the last part of my bedtime routine, wet my hands and gently towel dry (so they are still a bit moist from the water), and apply Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Hand Cream (the tube, not thinner lotion).

Even if you don't have the same thing that I was diagnosed with, hopefully this treatment is mild and moderate enough that it won't exacerbate your problem! But of course...always consult a doctor.

Pam said...

I also have the PRFB. Here's what I've noticed for me. I haven't been on any antibiotics. I live in western Wasington state and I do have Raynauds syndrome. My fingers will go cold, turn white, then get purplish-blue and at the same time look like they've soaked in water too long. The PRFB don't feel like they have splinters or slivers of glass. They are a bit painful, they generally appear near my knuckles of my dominate left hand. Its January and has been extremely cold lately (we are stuck in an inversion zone with it being extremely foggy for 4-5 days,; fog is COLD). What started as one or two PRFB about 10 days ago is evolving into almost every finger joint having its own personal PRFB. None on the thumb. I do have poor hand circulation. People always comment that my hands are cold. I havent had any issues with my feet, other than an occasion foot cramp. My adult son also has this. He said he used an onion on his and it helped.

Anonymous said...

Likewise, any news on a diagnosis? Identical issue here.

Unknown said...

I just had bumps on my fingers for the second time in my life and both times it turned out to be parasites from eating sushi. There are certain kinds that are more susceptible than others. In my case (I think both times) it was most likely from the tuna. When I spoke to someone in an herbal shop they asked "is it around your knuckles" and "is it in about the same place on each finger of that hand". When I said yes to both they said "you ate sushi in the last week didn you". Anyway, I used two drops of Oil of Oregano under my tongue for two weeks and it was gone both times. This past time I did another search to see if anyone else mentioned parasites and I couldn't find a single site out there giving the info so I created fingerbumps.com to show daily pictures of the bumps while using the Oil of Oregano. This last time it only ended up taking six days for all of the bumps to go away...though I'm still taking the Oregano for the full 2 weeks just to make sure they don't come back. Anyway, compare what you have to the pictures on my site and if they look the same give it a try.

Anonymous said...

I have the exact same symptoms. ^^^What they said

Anonymous said...

I have had what ever this is for many years, definitely over 5. It gets worse in the cold temps as I live in NH. I only get them on my right hand and only on the ring, middle and index fingers and only upper 2 pads including the sides of the fingers.
I had it biopsied years ago in a dermatologist office. They told me if could be herpes from a cold sore in the mouth, from an underlying disease such as Lupis or another life long illness and finally that it could be from touching cold items. I had been through a gammet of the tests with negative results. My sister does have raynods but she doesn't get these at all. Another doctor told me that it was erythema multiforme however mine do not look like the photos when you google search. They do look like Laura's. I have noticed that they tend to be worse right before I get my period. Anyone else notice that?

TrampledbyGeese said...

This is a really good comment thread. Thank you all for sharing.

I've had painful bumps like these off and on since I was nine years old. They usually come on in the fall or winter, then just as they are about to go away, flare up in the spring. Summer is usually fine (except this year). Mostly on my hands, but some years on my toes as well. Begins as dozens of little swollen spots with the feeling of a glass sliver underneath, some grow into very painful red blisters.

Handful of dermatologists I've been to are stumped, but I came across something like this while doing some historical research. There was a Victorian text that talked about chilblains feeling like this. Whether this is the same chilblains we have these days or some other meaning of the word, I don't know.

So I decided observe if temperature had anything to do with these glass-shard-bumps (my name for them).

What I discovered is that constant hot or cold doesn't effect them at all. However, a sudden change in temperature, for example washing my hands in hot water after working outside in the cold, will consistently cause these glass-shard-bumps to appear within 36 hours. Just like for chilblains, or at least what they use to call chilblains.

I've been able to keep the bumps away for two years now (woot) but they came back this week (in the middle of summer) which is really odd. I couldn't figure out why, then I realized I was working over a cookfire and plunging my hands into cold water to clean them all week. So again, hot to cold, to hot... equal glass-shard-bumps come back.

Haven't found anything to treat the bumps yet, the dermatologist creams did nothing or made it worse. I asked the last one if it could be chilblains, but they decided it was an extinct illness and nothing that can happen to a person in this modern world.

I've tried a few homemade herbal remedies, and noticed the herbs that are suppose to boost immune system like lavender and calendula make the bumps worse, but ones that soothe and cool, like chickweed, and ones that calm and balance, like comfrey, are mildly helpful. Adding castor oil to a homemade tallow based hand cream (about 1% by volume) has a noticeable benefit. These are all topical applications. I haven't found a correlation between diet and glass-shard-bumps yet; although, the bumps often accompany arthritic flare up in my hands, so perhaps an arthritic friendly diet with lots of greens and cinnamon could be helpful.

Still searching the literature for historical remedies that actually works and doesn't have highly toxic substances in it.

Adam Smith said...

Firstly, thank you for making this blog entry and keeping it alive. This is the only page I've found that documents the exact condition I've had this winter, and last. I am having this for the second time now, a little worse than last winter. For me the sore are all on my dominant (right) hand, on my middle, index and pinky fingers. The sore on my pinky appeared first, and as I'd been working both indoors and outdoors in the cold, with work gloves coming on and off the previous day, I thought at first a spider had got in my gloves and bit me. The sores started as small red bumps below the surface of the skin, which blanched briefly if pushed on. They don't itch exactly, they feel more like healing burns or the painful final stages of particularly bad mosquito bites.

Like others here, I've noticed lately that my hands are very cold, suggesting poor circulation. I've been sitting down working at my computer a lot, and the fingers of my right mousing hand get especially chilled. This is mentioned by so many people above that it has to be significant, to the point where I suspect the few people reporting from warmer climates may have a slightly different, but perhaps related condition.

Here is a photo of the most clear example on the middle segment of my index finger:

Finger Sore Photo JPG

This has been going on 3 days, and what started as solid red-colored bumps about 0.5cm across are now just about a full centimeter, with a red perimeter, then a paler ring inside that, then dark red pinprick-sized dots clustered in the center which just started becoming visible last night. On my pinky finger, it's on the top side of my middle knuckle, and there is more swelling, but no discrete fluid bubble like you'd get with a blister or infection.

No creams seem to help. I tried hydrocortisone, and also mupirocin (Bactoban antibiotic) on the first day, a cream that was prescribed to my wife for staph infection of a cut (just in case, as those infections can get really nasty quickly). Neither had any effect. Oral Zyrtec seems like it is helping, from about an hour after I take it at ~9am in the morning, until about 5pm, the pain is reduced. I find that putting band-aids over the sores also gives comfort, as they are not getting rubbed or pushed so much.

Like the rest of you, I have no proper diagnosis, just a vague suggestion that this is possibly related to the cold, my circulation, stress or all of the above triggering an auto-immune response.

Unknown said...

So this is interesting:
I commented a while ago about having this weird thing happen to the skin of my fingertips. Well, it just happened to my sister for the first time, and it happened to her during her first postpartum period. I'm wondering if there's a hormonal component to this?

John Box said...

I have chilblaines on my dominant hand only, all year. Mine are from hand washing, specifically rinsing my right hand frequently during food preparation. Even in summer, whenever I put my hand under the tap, they flare up. The location of the chilblaines perfectly matches the path of water over my fingers, where it hits them and where it drips off.

Unknown said...

Yes, I have the same thing, the only thing that clears mine is prednisone its a anti inflammatory.

Unknown said...

Its weird because mines shows up in the summer months..

Tracy said...

OK,so reading through the comments, I suspect that these blister things ( I also have them at the moment) are chilblains. I have suffered with proper chilblains for most of my life, but my fingers normally swell and go red, when its really bad... purple! These blisters feel exactly the same... painful, itchy - especially when my hands warm up. I always use geranium oil on my chilblains, so I'll be trying that now

Anonymous said...

have you found out what it is cause i have the same thing exactly

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I have had thesame thing for a year now and it seems I may have scleroderma ...after at first it was all in my head. Untill I showed them I was positve for raynaudad and the hlab27 antigen, pain in hips and joints eye problems it all adds up to lupus like symptoms1 beacause it is! just another form that attacks the small blood vessels in the fingertips and now my toes its very complicated but you.... are attacking you.... and so if you get dust on your hands or patHogens then youR immune system attacks! the steriods tell it to go away! and dont bother me .I use steriods and prednisone to keep from having beesting feelings, and then my fingers go white and start to rot like a zombie afert about a week off steriods my brother has long qt wave sybndrom and gives the hladr7 gene a
so both ankalosisng spondelitis like featuers and bad blood

Unknown said...


Wow. I have been reading many of these posts. I, also, struggle with these things. Mine are on my toes of my left foot. I first start realizing they are flaring up because I get an itchy, burny, sensation where they want to appear. Eventually they become extremely sensitive and painful. They start out the size of the head of a pin. Sometimes they just stay very red. Sometimes that is a purple color. Some of them get a little raised. Others do not. I want to describe it like this: It feels like they are angry nerve endings that are trying to reach the surface. None of them have yet. None of them ever break through my skin. They are under the surface. You can see a center to them. They feel like there is a sliver of glass in the center of each one of them. How long they last varies. I have Raynauds and Rheumatoid Arthritis and take chemo injections. I am sure it is a combination of all of those things. I never get a name for them. This blog is the first thing that I have been able to stumble across that has made me realize that I am not alone!. Thank you so very much for all of these posts. I too, only remember having these little buggers appear during the cold months. I live in Michigan.

Unknown said...

I have the exact same been to the doctors and they think it's a latex allergy as I work with gloves as a carer.

Unknown said...

I get them bad - pinky and ring finger of right hand mostly where the two fingers meet. (in between) I think it's my mouse that's doing it.

Anonymous said...

I've had the same things for over 10 years now. I don't believe mine are heat or cold sensitive though. Mine seems to be more stress related, or if I deal with a lot of heavy lifting or cardboard (i.e. moving) but I'm not sure if it is the cardboard boxes,or heavy lifting, or just the stress of moving. I move a lot, and that creates too many variables to pinpoint one specific cause. Maybe it is because for me they happen under different circumstances. They also pop up when I have had a particularly nasty cold or flu. I've had them in every climate I've lived in from mild San Diego weather, to rainy Seattle, to minus 4 in Wyoming, and they started in the summer in Las Vegas. SO I agree, it is probably not just climate related. Maybe just extreme changes to our bodies in general, regardless if it is heat, cold, stress, pressure, contact to an allergen. Maybe it is just a drastic change that affects these blood vessels. Either way, enough people have this problem, and have had doctors tell them nothing that this deserves more attention! I forgot to mention I also have Fibromyalgia, which seems to make me more susceptible to auto immune issues, like getting shingles at 24 years old. So I'm guessing this is part of why I get these bumps, but my doctors can't seem to tell me much about that either. Please keep everyone updated if anyone actually finds a doctor who is helpful with this!

Tamie said...

I first got these about 12 years ago on my fingers and palms. Scared me to death because I thought I had leukemia. Doctor was baffled. Surprisingly, he had me tested for syphylis, which, of course, was negative. His only other guess was that it was stress related and caused by the herpes virus--in other words, shingles. I haven't had them for years and contribute that to being retired and under much less stress. Yesterday, I got ONE and started googling. I also have Raynaud's and frequently go from warm home and outside to freezing cold air conditioned stores and businesses. I intend to google many of the mentioned diagnoses and will let you know if I have an aha moment. Thanks for at least letting me know that I'm not the only person in the world who has this.

Unknown said...

To everyone. I hope you have found ur answers but this s dyshidrotic eczema. Very classic symptoms

Anonymous said...

I have had this condition for the past few years and can agree that cold weather is always the trigger. My first bout approx 4 years ago was the most severe and the subsequent bouts have not been as severe. Chilblains are what I have concluded is the cause so toes are doubled socked for winter but fingers are a little more difficult to manage. I am a 52 year old male and would believe that this condition must be accepted as one of life's little irritants as one ages. I am very fit in general and compete in marathons and running races so really it can happen to anyone susceptible no matter what state of health.Good luck to anyone suffering and I wish you all well for your futures.

Dave said...

Yesterday I noticed what I assumed were infected splinters in my hands. But I couldn't remember going through any briar patch or prickers or handling any kind of wood recently. Also, no visible wood fragment at the center of the inflammation. Hmm... And now that I'm paying attention, there are a few on my feet. It was -2 degrees F yesterday. So I guess I'm the newest member of the club. Doesn't surprise me that the medical community is behind on this. I'm going to play with some eastern/herbal remedies and will share news if I have any luck.

Mycrazylife said...

This looks similar to what I get. I was told it is due to having Sjogrens syndrome - which I do have as well as SLE Lupus

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this. After looking through all the ideas I believe at least for me the problem is pompholyx. It only started during the summer after going to the pool a lot and touching pool chemicals and washing my hands a lot. When I use more cocoa butter and other lotions it starts to look and feel better. It has been really hot and I don't have great circulation due to DNA. That mixed with high heat and sweating, my hands sweal a little probably irritating my skin. Since they are already sensitive if I touch chemicals than it flares up.

KK said...

Lookup scabies

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I found this and yes I found the remedy😘.
This is connected to sinus remained inside our body and also because our immune system.Drink natural juices to improve and detox your immune system and gradually you will see improvement.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Ahhh I recently developed this as well

DQueen said...

I’ve had them for last few months maybe even about a year. I was seeing a dermatologist for acne and was put on accutane. I noticed about two forming deep under my skin on my thumbs and pointer fingers. I thought mayor was a wart coming out so dermatologist froze it. Didn’t do anything. Since then it’s just getting worse no matter what I do. It’s really painful, especially if you try squeezing it or sticking it with fingernail. I thought maybe eczema but they don’t itch. It’s so bad that it’s forming in clusters that raise my skin. It’s too deep to pop any of them. I may have been able to squeeze one to the surface and just like water blister. But once I popped it, it’s still hard bump under skin and hurts to press it. I’ve been holding off from going back to dermatologist but it’s not going away. I’ve looked at pictures and none really stood out as to what mine look like until I saw yours. As I read the stories it seems all the same symptoms. What’s the cause of these painful bumps bc I’m getting desperate. I do a lot of household stuff and it’s painful using those two main fingers left and right hand. Just odd to me bc I’ve never seen or heard of whatever this is

Bonnie said...

I get these too. I think it may be stress related. I only started getting them the last couple months. They feel like extremely tiny shards of glass or thorn under the skin of my finger tips and occasionally side of finger. Always affects one finger at a time. No itch. Affecting my right finger at present/ dominant hand. I also live in FL.

Bonnie said...

No itch and not fluid filled like with dyshidrotic eczema.

Unknown said...

Has Laura ever responded to any comments? No doubt I have what she has....after researching and knowing I have had other symptoms to Sjogren's Syndrome (dry eyes, dry nose and mouth) I truly think this may be the issue....I had labs drawn late Friday...one area looks like it could possibly be staph...so I am on antibiotics and the redness has gotten larger than the initial target lines.

Labs will be back on Monday.

Mary Beth said...

I think it’s an autoimmune reaction or Herpetic whitlow (caused by herpes/cold sores virus). I have lupus, raynaud’s syndrome, and herpes simplex virus type 1. Has anyone tried taking the amino acid lysine to keep them at bay? I know that helps with my cold sores, as long as I keep up with a maintenance dose.

Anonymous said...

I have the same pinpoint reddish/purple dots on my fingers. Usually appearing 1 to 3 at a time, in a cluster. They are not raised and seem to be below the skin. At first, I thought they were some type of wart and tried to freeze them off. I also have rosacea, raynauds and eczema in my ear canal. I wonder if they are related?? Hopefully not Chiblains Lupus.

Jen said...

This is exactly what I have! Have you found any remedies to increase circulation tho the fingers and reduce purple ness?

Anonymous said...

It looks like eczema to me. I have them on my thumb and feet. It comes in a cluster, super itchy and hurt at times.

Unknown said...

Hello all! I got that questionable rash this morning. Yesterday I had 39°C temperature and ran cold water over my hands till they went numb several times; used a cold cloth with vinegar to reduce the fever as well(it has been in the freezer for few months and I haven't washed it...), so I do believe it has something to do with the temperature/bacterias, also my hands and feet are usually cold. On the other hand I've been really stressed recently. But I wonder if it could be some form of allergy towards the fever reducing drugs (ibuprofen based) I've been taking for the past two days.
Also, someone has mentioned something about sushi - I ate smoked salmon on Friday afternoon and today - Sunday morning, the rash started. I've read that some food poisoning actually have symptoms of a flu, so I think the sore throat, the temperature and the rash could be all connected to it. Anyone else with such observations?

Zheni M.

Anonymous said...

Did you ever figure out what this was? I have the same exact problem.

Anonymous said...

Have you looked into the possibility of it being an herpetic whitlow? It's possible that these can occur as little bumps and blisters around the finger and may be sore. It may also come and go with triggers similar to that of cold sores (both caused by herpes simplex virus) such as stress or colds/being run down. Just a possible suggestion.

Unknown said...

Well, mine turned out to be rather different. The little bumps became enormous blisters on both my hands (mostly palms and fingers) and feet. Obviously I had some allergic dermatitis due to the medicine.

Unknown said...

I don't know if this will help anyone of u, but I don't think it can hurt to try, so I'm going to share what the doctor prescribed me. He told me to soak my hands for 10-15 minutes twice a day into water with potassium permanganate (use just a few crystals to make the water pink, not purple, as it may burn the skin!), then to put some steroid cream on the problem areas. Also, he gave me some allergy pills to take for 10 days. After approximately a week the blisters stopped aching (they ached like I've burn myself) and itching and started to disappear.
Good luck to you all!

Unknown said...

Oh, and I forgot, he told me to take vitamin C(500mg) with calcium (300mg) twice a day.

alg said...

Check out Morgollon's (sp?) Disease

Anonymous said...

I have a small bump too. I still don't understand what it is. It's not painful but it's kind of firm (to the touch). I've just noticed it today and it is on my ring finger. Aaaa what is it?

Adele said...

I have this too. I have had flare ups for 10 years+, starting as tiny bumps on the outsides of my fingers. Now it has progressed to hard lumps in palms. It comes and goes and can be there in an instant.
Over the years i have tried wearing gloves thinking it was contact dermatitis, and eliminating different things from my diet including dairy, gluten, caffine and alcohol without any affect.
Now I'm thinking maybe its a deficiency? Possibly iodine or zinc. Ive started taking a daily multi-mineral and will report back if sucessfull.

Victor said...

I also have this allergic reaction... My doctor told me that my blood vessels are sensitive to cold,so they tend to constrict,and along that causing small humps on my fingers.
They normally occure during winter season,so you can wear hand cloves, try to keep your fingers as warm as possible.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Omg same but I only have it on my middle finger on my right hand and it's a painfull hard bump and when I look at it from the sides it looks like hers can someone help me idk what to do

Anonymous said...

I have one on my middle finger on my right hand it's a small bump that feels hard and is painful what should I do idk how to make it go away :(

Falt001 said...

I have the same. i am wondering what does everyone do for a living? i work a lot with tweezers (metals) and in hospitals using alcohol hand sanitiser about 50 times a day? i wonder if there are any links other than cold weather???

Unknown said...


I also work in a hospital- I believe it is a combination (like an equation)....why they would pop up and have various reasons for different people. This is interesting you bring this up.

Mar said...

I haven't read the many replies so I apologize if this has been suggested...
Looks like Granuloma Annulare to me.

Mar said...

Google Granuloma Annulare. I have an autoimmune disease as well and get GA every now and again.

Mar said...

Granuloma Annulare?

Mar said...

Wow....I'm an idiot....just realized your original question was posted ten years ago lol!!

Adele said...

2 months of multimineral tablets and my hands are 90% better. Still having the odd lump but nothing like before. I honestly think its a mineral deficiency.
Metal is an interesting theory. I am allergic to all metals bar silver, platinum and palladium.
Would be intrested to know if anyone else has the same results taking a daily multimineral.

Unknown said...

I’m a health aide and I handle alcohol and hand sanitizer?! L

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an Exzema, there are many types of Exzema such as; A Topic Dermatitis, Contact Dermatis, 1 hand 2 foot desease....I found a list for you:

Atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is the most common form of eczema. ...
Contact dermatitis. ...
Dyshidrotic eczema. ...
Hand eczema. ...
Neurodermatitis. ...
Nummular eczema. ...
Stasis dermatitis....

Its brutal, but keep the stress level down, my doc, has me take an antihistamine when it acts up, Zertec. (my dermatologist recommended)
figure out any allergies, don't use soap. I now use paraben free cleansers. A lot of children's soaps are good, hypo allergenic, (also Dove seems pretty good). Common in beautician, housewives, cement workers, etc... Using a lot of chemical cleaners, (washing dishes, cleaning the house, during your hair...etc. all chemicals) seem to be triggers, and gluten, for me. There is no cure, rinse in cool to cold water, keep your skin moisturized, there are a few prescriptions, but it seems to have to run its course. Itchy blister, than dry flakey, cracked skin.
Mine happen due to a chemical I used at work.
Good Luck

Unknown said...

I have the same blisters on my right hand tip of middle finger. I went to the doctor yesterday and they sent it off for a culture. Will update as son as results are in

CAL said...

I have the exact same thing and it is weird everyone posting is saying it is on the right hand. Just like you explained like little splinters of glass trying to come out

Sara said...

It's Dyshidrotic eczema. Seasonal and allergic, can be caused by stress. Cut out gluten and see if it comes back.

Anonymous said...

Hey all just an update, Doc has given me Anasol cream (for Haemorrhoids) to put on my hands theory behind this cream is that it stimulates blood flow to that area and within 3 days mine has cleared up. She suspects Chilblains.

jk said...

Hi! I have been struggling with something very similar for the past three winters, and it has only happened when I am in cold weather. I'm a South Carolinian with family in Ohio and Pennsylvania, and the fingertip/top half of the ring finger and pinky on my right hand swell up and get those little red/orange dots and bumps below the surface when they're swollen, especially the pinky fingertip. The fingers also turn purple. The bumps have gotten infected the last two winters. I've been diagnosed with Raynaud's and my new doctor thinks there is something autoimmune associated with it and is having me tested for various things, although lupus tests and other autoimmune tests are negative so far. She suggested possible scleroderma, which is terrifying, but is looking less likely with my blood work. I'm relieved to see I'm not the only one with this mysterious condition--an ER doctor told me it was Raynauds flaring up and my cardiologist also said Raynauds and just keep as warm as possible and use hand warmers. I know my Raynaud's is partially brought on by stress, as my fingers will turn purple when I haven't slept enough or am going through a lot of stress in my life, but this swelling and the little sores only seem to happen in the winter. Although come to think of it, winter is pretty stressful, too, with the holidays. Still a puzzle. Thank you for posting this, I'm so glad I found it.

Anonymous said...

Hey if you write a lot and hold the pen at a high pressure when you write, this is writer's callus. I was searching for a reason why i have this and i found that i have this because as a child i wrote a ton of notes and books.Hope this helps

Anonymous said...

I started getting similar bumps last summer. I've been trying to figure this out by thinking about what changed around that time. After seeing a previous poster's message stating their Mac Book was the culprit, I realized that I purchased a new Dell laptop around the time I started getting the bumps. As an experiment, I covered with painters tape the deck of the laptop along with the few keys that corresponded with the fingers with bumps. A week later.....all bumps are gone. Think about it. Good luck!

Danielangelena said...

Furthermore, Tamoxifen was tested previously in boys, for other pediatric indications, and showed an outstanding safety without any side effects. Allergy warning Tamoxifen can lead to a severe allergic reaction. Author is an expert of x-steroids, click here for more interesting information.

Unknown said...

Allergy to carpet beetles or stronglyoides. I have been searching myself for an answer.

Rooney said...

Had this condition for the first time this year. Both hands, not all fingers. But it changes from finger to finger. Went to GP and she sent me to a vein doc. Vein said circulation in and out of my extremities was good and it’s due to temperature and some people have a Lower threshold to code. It was a bit confusing to me because after this point I’ve never had issues with it. Last year I played golf in 20 and 30° weather plus I ski every year. Never had an issue. The vein doctor said that sometimes the condition just happens. But similar to other posts, it feels like splinters or glass on the tips of my fingers.

Unknown said...

STOP i am so happy i just came across this i’ve been searching for WEEKS trying to find this issue!!! Exact same thing red dot feels like glass and my derm tested me for hand foot and mouth and it was positive but the dots wont go away and i’m getting more rashes and bumps!!! There are so many comments its hard to read through them all, but did anyone have a weird rash in the creases between the parts of one finger? Hurt to bend almost felt like sunburned skin?? Having this issue too and i feel like its all related. I havent seen a Dr about Raynauds but its definitely possible because my hands turn blue and white all the time, and ive noticed it more recently!

raggydoll said...

Oh my gosh I have the exact same thing on my right hand! I’ve had them for about 7 months and have been to a rheumatologist, dermatologist, had loads of blood tests which came back ok & I’m now waiting for a vascular appointment. Does anyone else hand with the bumps on get super hot and red? My fingers can feel so hot and inflamed, it drives me mad! I’ve had an ice pack on it to sleep some nights.

raggydoll said...

Oh my gosh yours sounds exactly the same as mine! I’m having such a nightmare, I’ve seen a dermatologist and rheumatologist and has so many blood tests and no one knows. They’ve also mentioned Raynauds to me. But does your hand get super hot and red sometimes? Mine feels on fire at night or if I’m warm!

raggydoll said...

When you have yours does your hand go super hot?

Anonymous said...

I have similar bumps between my fingers and they have spread to multiple fingers and wrists. I've been dealing with them since March of 2019. Sometimes they burn, other times they feel itchy. Looking back, I've had a couple less severe bouts since I was 16. I believe it is a form of Lichen Planus. Apparently, it's autoimmune and resolves on its own but can take months to a couple years. Steroid creams help with the rash but does not prevent new outbreaks. I've researched and for severe cases they can give you an oral corticosteroid or even immune suppressing drugs (the kind that prevents organ rejection from a transplant). There are various types of lichen planus and some are more troublesome than others. AKP

piccolo said...

I am convinced that this is a condition that doctors have not identified. I have experienced flare ups of these lumps probably since I was 11 years old (I'm 18 now). At first i thought it was due to cold weather as they would always flare up in winter, however over the years they have been flaring up during hot weather. We are experiencing a heat wave here and I'm having one of the worst flare ups in years. ive also considered manual labor or using my hands as a cause; just before this flare up i did some heavy gardening in which i was weeding and my hands started to hurt swiftly after. however, they sometimes randomly flare up so maybe there are several causes. they are red/flesh coloured painful lumps under the skin (sometimes with a tiny red dot) that appear mostly in the joints of my fingers but also across the fingers. they dont itch they are just very painful to touch and when they appear on the joints it is very painful to move my fingers. ive been to the doctors about this before and everytime i went they disappeared which is typical. i went to a dermatologist who said she didnt know what they were and none of her coworkers did either. i went for a biopsy but the doctor said that he couldnt take a sample because the one lump i had wasnt raised from the surface of the skin (it was starting to disappear). i havent beeen back since because its difficult to get an appointment and whenever i do they diappear. i have spent hours and hours online searching for what they are and the only true matches are on forums and blogs like this one. ive looked at raynauds, chilblains, hand foot and mouth, pompholyx, sjogrens, you name it. most of the things i find that are similar list itching as a symptom which discounts it. i am getting tired of it. its very dfficult to stop using your hands. i think that this is a seperate thing that is possibly linked to other conditions and causes but there is no other explanation. i want it to fit into a box so i know what to do about it but maybe it doesnt. the fact that so many people have experienced the same thing suggests that doctors want to fit it into a box that it doesnt belong in and put it to the side. im sorry for the terribly long reply but whenever i speak to anyone about it they dont take it seriously so its nice to see that there are so many people going through the same thing. rant over maybe i should just live with it and go and focus on more important things like global warming.

Kersten said...

I get these painful bumps in the winter only. They hurt so bad it’s hard to use those fingers and sometimes (but strangely not always) they itch like crazy and my fingers get hot and swollen. I have Reynauds and I think this condition related somehow, but yet the pictures I’ve seen online of Reunauds bumps don’t look quite right. Mine are never open sores, they can be raised bumps but it’s all underneath the skin. Not blisters, like some of the other mentioned ailments suggest. My right hand gets the bumps worst of all and it’s my coldest hand (desk job using a mouse all day). The OP pics are the only ones I have seen that looks just like mine! I’ve been to my GP and he doesn’t have a clue. I check back here every so often to see if anyone ever gets a definitive diagnosis (usually in the winter when they’re driving me crazy!) and am always happy surprised to see new info or at least that there are others trying to figure it out too! Lastly, one thing that seems to help are using a electric heating mitts on my hands in the winter evenings. It seems to keep me from getting so many (another reason I feel it’s related to cold/poor circulation.

Kersten said...

Omg I forgot to ask, sometimes they are not really raised but painful, and under the skin there is a spot that looks different-like irregular edges, different color, looks almost like there is an irregular space between the top layer of skin and the tissue underneath. Not sure if that is a way to explain it or just more complicated...

Vollkommen said...

I'm glad you posted this response - it's been so frustrating trying to chase this down over the years. I'm with you in thinking that this is its own thing, no itching, no open sores, no fluid-filled blisters - just painful bumps that eventually resolve on their own.

I'm currently experiencing the first major outbreak I've had in the last 15-ish years and thought I'd give researching it another go, to no avail yet again of course.

Unknown said...

I have Raynaud's & Sjogren's and possibly Lupus or Scleroderma. I haven't had any bumps or ulcers yet but definitely ice cold, purple fingers & toes in just semi-cold weather. But those are definitely symptoms in Raynaud's & esp Scleroderma. I don't know if you, or any of you, have gone to a rheumatologist, but maybe that should be the next step... esp if you have other symptoms. Good luck!

MetalAnon said...

I too have experienced these, as one commentor called them, prickly hand/finger bumps. I've experienced them for years on and off randomly. Mine always recur in the same locations... on the medial sides of my right index and middle fingers on the skin between knuckles. They start like many described like a splinter or shard of glass is under the skin. They if left alone they become raised pimple like and red with an almost pointed top. They are mildly itchy sometimes and if palpitated, particularly with a finger nail or other hard object, they feel just like a splinter of glass in the skin. They do not become fluid filled blisters like Dyshidrotic eczema.

I have 'popped' them and dug them out before thinking they were something stuck in the skin and have found nothing. They tend to ooze rather than bleed. Using peroxide and anti-bacterial ointment in the process. They then tend to scab and heal just like a splinter wound.

After reading the comments a couple of times something occurred to me, some commenters have suggested the Herpes virus may be the cause. I happened to have HSV2. Diagnosed many years ago, I have not experienced an outbreak in many years, knock on wood. But these bumps do kind of 'act' similar to cold sores or genital herpes outbreaks, both HSV1 (coldsores) and HSV2 (genital herpes). Not so much in the physical symptoms, but timeline wise and similarly in how they present and contagiousness, often spreading to surrounding areas.

Then something occurred to me... No one likes to talk about herpes no thanks to the social stigma it carries, so it is logical that this link has not come up before because few of us want to even remember our lovely herpes. I'm guessing the majority of those who have commented will find solace and perhaps an answer through the following question... just an educated guess though... food for thought none the less. Wish I could do a poll to garner perspective...

How many people experiencing these finger bumps have been diagnosed with HSV1 or HSV2, herpes virus???

Unknown said...

Yes!! This is what my doctor told me as well. Everytime I start to feel a cold coming on, these guys pop up. They hurt and most of the time only last a few days to a week on both hands (mostly index and middle fingers)
Thank you!

This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I just went to the Dr. with same situation and I was told it is Raynaud's Syndrome ... And I should be mindful to not let my hands (feet) get cold . He told me even touching the steering wheel (without gloves) isn't okay unless I have a car like him (with a heated steering wheel) ... His recommendation was to soak my hands in warm water (with Epson salt) 3-4 times per day ... The cause in my case is that I must've had frost bite when I was young ...
He said it's very important to always wear gloves when I go out during the cold months ;) ... Good Luck Everyone !! I'm relieved to know what it is ... I thought I was turning into an alien ...

Anonymous said...

I just went to the Dr. with same situation and I was told it is Raynaud's Syndrome ... And I should be mindful to not let my hands (feet) get cold . He told me even touching the steering wheel (without gloves) isn't okay unless I have a car like him (with a heated steering wheel) ... His recommendation was to soak my hands in warm water (with Epson salt) 3-4 times per day ... The cause in my case is that I must've had frost bite when I was young ...
He said it's very important to always wear gloves when I go out during the cold months ;) ... Good Luck Everyone !! I'm relieved to know what it is ... I thought I was turning into an alien ...

Anonymous said...

I just went to the Dr. with same situation and I was told it is Raynaud's Syndrome ... And I should be mindful to not let my hands (feet) get cold . He told me even touching the steering wheel (without gloves) isn't okay unless I have a car like him (with a heated steering wheel) ... His recommendation was to soak my hands in warm water (with Epson salt) 3-4 times per day ... The cause in my case is that I must've had frost bite when I was young ...
He said it's very important to always wear gloves when I go out during the cold months ;) ... Good Luck Everyone !! I'm relieved to know what it is ... I thought I was turning into an alien ...

Doorey said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, after searching for any pictures close to what I've been experiencing I found this! This is exactly what I've been having. I started off with just one lump on the side of my index finger, it was there for weeks, very hard and very painful but nothing to come out when I picked. When the pandemic was tearing it's ugly head in work we upped all the hand washing/sanitizing and I ended up with these lumps on nearly every finger, close to the knuckles and even on the inside crease of my finger. I was assuming it was the soap/sanitizer but possibly it was the stress also? They all slowly disappeared while I've been at home .. but I'm back in work tomorrow and behold, the original lump is back. I think I'm leaning more towards stress now? I will be going to the docs if it gets as bad as it did again. Also will be trying tea tree oil etc. I'm just so glad I've found others! I'm in the UK also

osewhite said...

FINALLY FREE FROM HERPES VIRUSI thought my life had nothing to offer anymore because life became meaningless to me because I had Herpes virus, the symptoms became very severe and bold and made my family run from and abandoned me so they won't get infected. I gave up everything, my hope, dreams,vision and job because the doctor told me there's no cure. I consumed so many drugs but they never cured me but hid the symptoms inside me making it worse. I was doing some research online someday when I came across testimonies of some people of how Dr Oseremen cured them from Herpes, I never believed at first and thought it was a joke but later decided to contact him on the details provided and when I messaged him we talked and he sent me his herbal medicine and told me to go for a test after two weeks. Within 7 days of medication the symptoms disappeared and when I went for a test Lo and behold I was NEGATIVE by the Doctor Who tested me earlier. Thank you Dr Oseremen because I forever owe you my life and I'll keep on telling the world about you. If you are going through same situation worry no more and contact dr.Oseremenvadi@gmail.com or WhatsApp him via +2349056394313 he is good too to cure all type of disease and virus.1 HIV cure2 cancer3 diabetes4 hepatitis5 herpes.You can contact if you are having any problem...

Anonymous said...

I started noticing it this past Sunday 9/27/20 it feels like there is splinters then I woke up today there is a red & purplish (combine color) three dots asymmetrical lined up from the top of my middle finger then on the last towards them left of my middle finger there is a 3 clusters dots same color as the top. I have read as many posted up. It is on my right hand too! Like as the others says it feels like a splinters & mine is swollen. I did not have any allergy that I know of this Friday. I might go see a Doctor to best find out what cause of the swollen small dots it is underneath of my skin. I did try to soak it up w/ warm water w/ a cider vinegar If anyone have any answer let me know.

S said...

I also have this same issue in my right hand near Index finger first joint. Its hard... sometimes i doesn’t feel anything, sometimes i feel irritated, itchiness.... had appeared earlier also it took 10-14 daya toh get back to normal... but i am worried just cause it’s reoccurring and I don’t know what exactly it is... never consulted a Doctor about it...

Anonymous said...

I can't deal with this throbbing any longer �� I have this I don't know lump or pimple I don't know what to call it that started 5 days ago as a grain of sand size and is the size o and bean now. On my lefthand middle finger few inches away from where my nail is. Help me please

Anonymous said...

Very small granules (like tiny glass shards) in the skin of my forehead drove me to look for an answer to what was causing the condition. Don't know if this will help anyone or not, but you can look at the list of systems for something called "Morgellons Affliction" at the link below, then speak with your physician to see what he or she has to say.


James Leo said...

Hello everyone. Dr. Ehimare. Herbs is a good remedy for herpes Virus , I was a carrier of herpes virus and I saw a testimony on how Dr. Ehimare. cure Herpes Virus, I decided to contact him, I contacted him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. After he finish he sent me the herbs which i took for 2 weeks before asking me to go for a check up and getting there i could not believe that i was confirmed HSV 2 Negative after the test, Today i am so happy because i'm free from herpes disease with the help of Dr. Ehimare. Thank God now everything is fine, I'm cured by Dr. Ehimare herbal medicine, I'm very thankful to God for making it possible. you can reach him on his email, i strongly recommend him to any one out here looking for a cure.Contact Dr Ehimare via email: Drehimare3@gmail.com call or whatsApp him on+1 (267) 691-1087

kate marcus said...

Hello, everyone! I,m here to explore blogs and forum about wonderful and most safe cure for (Herpes Virus).I was positive to the deadly virus called herpes and i lost hope because i was out casted and rejected even by my closet friends.i searched on-line to know and enquirer about cure for Herpes and i read someone testimony on how he was cured from Herpes so i decided to contact the same herbalist because i know that nature has the power to heal everything.i contacted him to know how he can help me and he told me never to worry that he will heal me with the natural herbs from God!after 2 days of contacting him, he told me that the cure has been ready and he sent it to me via DHL and it got to me after 3 days!i used the med as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and i was cured!its really like a dream but i am so happy!thats the reason i decided to also add more comment of Him so that more can be saved just like me!and if you need his help, you can email him on drehimare3@gmail.com, or whatsapp +1 (267) 691-1087 I,m neme amber and you can get in touch with me via drehimare3@gmail.com..Contact him for help at Herpes virus HIV/AIDS CANCER COPD BRAIN TUMOR All kind of virus and disease Dr Ehimare

Unknown said...

Dr OYAMA has really made me so much believe in him by getting me cured of Herpes with his herbal medicine. I have been a Herpes virus patient for some years now, I have been running here and there looking for help/cure but none could help. I ran into a testimony by someone who testified how she was cured of a terrible disease by Dr Oyama, so I decided to contact the herbal doctor. I explained to him, and he said he can cure me. We started the process and he prepared herbs and sent them to me in my country and gave me directions on how I am to use them. I followed his directions and now To God be the glory he could cure me with his herbal mixture. I really appreciate you Oyama for bringing back my healthy life again. thanks you so much friends has join me to thank Dr.Oyama for what he has actually done for me i pray for long life and prosperity, his contact. Email address droyamasolutiontemple@gmail.com , via whats-app +2348108264684 Thanks dr Oyama for your help in my life and family... and most especially to you Dr. THANKS.

Dr OYAMA has really made me so much believe in him by getting me cured of Herpes with his herbal medicine. I have been a Herpes virus patient for some years now, I have been running here and there looking for help/cure but none could help. I ran into a testimony by someone who testified how she was cured of a terrible disease by Dr Oyama, so I decided to contact the herbal doctor. I explained to him, and he said he can cure me. We started the process and he prepared herbs and sent them to me in my country and gave me directions on how I am to use them. I followed his directions and now To God be the glory he could cure me with his herbal mixture. I really appreciate you Oyama for bringing back my healthy life again. thanks you so much friends has join me to thank Dr.Oyama for what he has actually done for me i pray for long life and prosperity, his contact. Email address droyamasolutiontemple@gmail.com , via whats-app +2348108264684 Thanks dr Oyama for your help in my life and family... and most especially to you Dr. THANKS.

Charles Silva said...

For about two years i has be living with herpes i has gone to my doctor severally, last two months she tried 2 different types of treatments, the liquid nitrogen treatment and also condyline. The liquid nitrogen made the warts worse they started out as about 5 just on the ridge of my vaginal opening after the liquid nitrogen was applied all of the warts formed together and swelled making the embarrassment and pain 2 times worse. Next i tried the condyline treatment..it really hurt i was under the impression that the pain meant the treatment was working but after about a month i just gave up because the discomfort was unbearable. About three weeks ago i decided to take things into my own hands and look for treatments online.. and i found about natural herbs that can eliminate herpes forever and i tried the procedure i finally got cured with natural remedy from Dr Ben Uda, http://fb.me/Drbenudaherbalhealthcare ✉️✉️ drbenhealthcare1@gmail.com and WhatsApp +2349055476554.. For more information about the doctor.

neise charles said...

Herpes simplex virus is said to have no cure, just as i was told by my family doctor that herpes can not be cured but can be controlled, Although i was a very stubborn person i never believed in what my doctor told me about herpes having no cure Am a very honest person who believe in nature and i also believed that there could be cure somewhere in the world, I kept my faith so strong and kept on doing my research till i finally came across Dr. Aza Blessed from west Africa He is one of the oldest herbalist after Dr. Sebi and total am a living testimony to his herbal cure to herpes, i became herpes Negative on the 17/05/2021 after using the herbal medication DR. Aza BLESSED mailed to me along with the prescriptions and today its been 2 years and herpes is not traceable in my body system, All thanks To Dr. Aza BLESSED For More Info on how to get cured Contact DR . Aza now on EMAIL : ( drazaherbalcenter@gmail.com ) Or CALL/WHATS APP ( +1(315) 795 1518 ) or his website: www.drazaherbalcenter.com .

Anonymous said...

Omg mine showed up both hands both sides mainly fingers when my kids had hfm but this was months ago they are cleared I still have and am getting them

Renata said...


picknit parlour-HEIDI said...

Tinea Manuum
dont look at the images online because they are all so dramatic!
I had it for 6 years as a teen and finally a doctor understood what it was. He switched me to dove soap and J & J baby lotion. Gave me Griseofulven,Lotrisone and taught me to keep my hands out of the conditions that would perpetuate fungal growth.
I saw ALL THE STAGES AND PRESENTATIONS of these things.....from looking just like the pictures here. to being dry and scaly, wet and weepy, itchy, not itchy, tiny to big spots. And yes winter it would pop up but my doctor explained that it wasnt the weather per se, but how you treat your hands in this weather!!! you cover them, keep them close to your body, for warmth but you are in fact creating the perfect environment to nuture fungus. He told me to keep my hands out from under the sheets at night, not to keep my hands in my pockets, to thoroughly dry them and use the lotrisone. He advised me that vaseline hand lotion and other hand lotions would trap moisture and not let the skin heal the fungus. instead I used tee tree oil to calm the burning pain, or the stabbing or prickling pains....it presented at different times in all these ways. After the tea tree oil, I found that coconut oil (which is a natural fungicide) could be rubbed in to my hands and still let the skin breath and heal as it should. Originally it was under a ring that i never took off. then it was on different sides of a couple fingers on one hand. Then one day I woke up in the night and felt something wet under the sheets, I had scratched my legs in my sleep until they bleed. The rashes were on both legs in similar places like a pattern, then on both hands around the fingers. finally i had it move to the palms of my hands, mostly right in the center and because of how you constantly bend your palm they became terribly inflamed and i scratched them in my sleep until they bled. My mom took me back to the doctor who made a joke about stigmata and then started me on griseofulven.
since that drug cleared it completely up, I have only had a few reoccurrances as an adult, but I have found the perfect way to manage it and knock it out quickly and cheaply.
I go to the dollar store, get tea tree oil, pure coconut oil, and jock itch ointment. I go home wash my hands in cold water (after a few years i got used to keeping my hands comfortably cold! DRY THEM COMPLETELY!! IF YOU USE YOUR BLOW DRYER USE COLD SHOT! NOT HOT! you will multiply that fungus fast! then i would take a cotton pad, dab the tea tree oil on just the infected spots, let it dry, then put the jock itch ointment on just the spots and wait a good hour, then I would take the coconut oil and really get it all over my hands thoroughly but thinly and then everytime i washed my hands I would reapply the coconut oil. its my 'go to' 3-5 dollar treatment that can zap a small outbreak quick! Then keep those suckers out of damp, moist, warm places!! under blankets, pillow, tucked under body in arm pits, between legs.....get them up and OUT.
before you try expensive doctors who will scrape bits of skin, send it to pathology, look at your hands under black light, give you antibiotics and cortisone, tell you it is thrush, stress, related to PMS, food allergy, pet allergy, a gardening bacteria, poor hand washing, fecal contamination, contact dermatitis, chemical burn, ezema, psoriasis, damaged dna and sloughing syndrome, washing your hands with antibacterial soap will cause problems...the nature flora on your skin protects from outbreaks such as this. DOVE really does help to clean but not irritate these outbreaks. if you dont like it, use the coconut oil to wash your hands with.

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